Michael Cromwell, a New-Yorker, suddenly learns that he has a 13-year old son that's been raised in the jungle. He brings the boy to New York, and that's where the fun starts...
Das reichste Kind der Welt, Richie Rich (Macaulay Culkin), besitzt bereits alles, was man sich mit Geld kaufen kann. Freundschaften zu schließen fällt ihm aber schwer. Das ändert sich, als er einige Kinder, die er bei einem Baseballspiel kennenlernt, a..
Being a lone young boy in the 'hood" is dangerous and unpleasant. This is what Max experiences when he fools a gang of local toughs who cornered him at school. The gang finds out that the key he gave them is of no value in committing a robbery, and they c..