Underwater deep-sea miners encounter a Soviet wreck and bring back a dangerous cargo to their base on the ocean floor with horrifying results. In a story owing a lot to _Alien_ and _The Thing_, the crew of the mining base must fight to survive against a g..
Der Bürgerkriegs-Veteran John Carter (Taylor Kitsch) findet sich eines Tages plötzlich und aus unerklärlichen Gründen auf einem fremden Planeten wieder. Er stellt fest, dass dieser Planet, den die Einheimischen Barsoom nennen, der Mars ist. Barsoom be..
Zufällig beobachtet der kleine David Maclean, wie ein Ufo hinter dem Haus seiner Familie landet. David berichtet das Unvorstellbare seinen Eltern. Von nun an bricht das Grauen in die amerikanische Kleinstadt ein. Davids Eltern und viele andere Bewohner v..
Eines Nachts beobachtet der 12-jährige David die Landung eines Raumschiffes. Vater George, ein Raketeningenieur, will der Sache auf den Grund gehen. Kurz danach bewegt er sich völlig steif und spricht wie ein Fremder. David macht eine schaurige Entdecku..
After a meteor shower in California, Melissa feels that her co-workers and her boss Samantha that work in the agency owned by Vickland are acting differently after receiving a weird plant. She shares her fears with her colleague Billie and with Detective..
The first remake of the paranoid infiltration classic moves the setting for the invasion from a small town to the city of San Fransisco and starts as Matthew Bennell notices that several of his friends are complaining that their close relatives are in som..
Dr Miles Bennell returns his small town practice to find several of his patients suffering the paranoid delusion that their friends or relatives are impostors. He is initially skeptical, especially when the alleged dopplegängers are able to answer detail..
Invasion ist ein Remake des Horrorklassikers Die Dämonischen aus dem Jahr 1956, der schon 1978 mit Donald Sutherland unter dem Titel Die Körperfresser kommen und 1993 als Body Snatchers – Die Körperfresser kommen neu verfilmt worden ist.
Eine ge..
A mystery surrounds a small town that was attacked on September 9, 2009. Now sixty years later, the last survivor, Sarah, sends a high profile reporter a letter suggesting what really happened on that day. The government calls 9/9/09 the start of the "Mod..
On July 2nd, communications systems worldwide are sent into chaos by a strange atmospheric interference. It is soon learned by the military that a number of enormous objects are on a collision course with Earth. At first thought to be meteors, they are la..
Sorry but there are many movies (like Signs, Alien Abduction 2014 etc) missing. I noticed that many movies, which I've seen on this site, can't be found when I entered them in the search box. Please comment and help me out.
xm901sj schreibt:
Sorry but there are many movies (like Signs, Alien Abduction 2014 etc) missing. I noticed that many movies, which I've seen on this site, can't be found when I entered them in the search box. Please comment and help me out.
geschrieben am 26.07.2014 00:32