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    American Dad *german subbed* (2005)

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    American Dad *german subbed*
    Stan Smith, who works for the CIA and is constantly on the alert for terrorist activity. Stan will go to extremes to protect his beloved America from harm; as evidenced by the terror-alert color code on his fridge, and his frequent knee-jerk reaction of shooting holes in the toaster whenever the toast pops up. In addition to Stan's wife and teenage children, the Smith household has two rather unconventional members. There's Roger, the sarcastic space alien who rescued Stan from Area 51 who deeply resents the fact that he's not allowed to leave the house, and therefore, has been reduced to drinking wine and smoking cigarettes, and Klaus, a lascivious, German-speaking goldfish; the result of a CIA experiment gone seriously wrong where the CIA tried to give a fish a German man's brain. Stan's son is a dorky teenager who tries to be cool. His wife has had a past life of sex and drugs.

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    • Pam Cooke
    • USA
    • ~ 22 min.
    • Action
    • 0


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    IMDb Wertung:
    8 / 10 :: 4065 Votes
    Genre: Action Adventure Trickfilm Komödie
    Schauspieler: Seth MacFarlane  Wendy Schaal  Dee Bradley Baker  Scott Grimes  Rachael MacFarlane  Mike Barker  Curtis Armstrong  Patrick Stewart  124 weitere
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    Alle Kommentare (3)

    folge 10 find ich doof^^
    vor 13 Jahren
    Heilige Scheiße! Die neue erste Folge von Staffel 8 ist selbst für American Dad Verhältnisse EXTREM krass. Das ging für mich so an die Grenze des guten Geschmacks, näher gehts nicht. Dabei hat sie so ruhig angefangen.
    vor 14 Jahren
    s07/e04 ist irgendwas,aber nicht american dad! Ausserdem würde ich mich über die restlichen folgen seeeeeehhr freuen!!! THX - H.R.
    vor 15 Jahren