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    The Indestructible Jimmy Brown (2011)

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    The Indestructible Jimmy Brown
    Jimmy Brown is thirty and single. He has just come home from a failed life in New York City and thinks his life is over. After returning to Pasadena from a stalled career in the New York art scene, and a disastrous break-up, Jimmy finds himself right back where he started. Now he is living in his Parent s house and working in the Comic Book shop that he left behind over ten years ago. His co-workers, childhood buddies Lyman and Sack, have never left the security of the shop that they now co-own. Experts of pop culture and masters of their universe, Lyman and Sack are all too happy to let a dejected Jimmy back into the circle of dorks that he was a part of for so long. Desperate to revive his career and fearing that he will fall back into his old life, Jimmy keeps Lyman and Sack and anything else from his past at arms length. But when Alison Brew, Jimmy's high school crush comes back into his life, he ll need to remember the mistakes from his past to get the girl who got away

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    • Maxamilliano Hernandez
    • ~ 20 min.
    • Komödie
    • 0


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    IMDb Wertung:
    6.1 / 10 :: 0 Votes
    Genre: Komödie
    Executive Producer: Andre Royo
    Schauspieler: Max Greenfield  Kevin Christy  Kareem Matthews  Cameron Richardson  Method Man  Mason Cook  Fernando Chien  Lloyd Buckley  5 weitere
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