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    World's Greatest Bar Bets (2008)

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    World's Greatest Bar Bets
    Easy-to-learn propositions and challenges to astound, impress and win you drink after drink. Alex Conran, Jessica Clement and Paul Wilson (of the Real Hustle) demonstrate a selection of startling and astonishing bar bets and challenges. Looking to get out of your round down the local? Scamming a drink from a bar full of strangers? Or just getting your own back on that uncle who never bought you a present? Alex, Jess and Paul show you a series of classy, easy-to-learn challenges using everyday items from wine glasses to bank notes, playing cards to eggs. The experts perform these proposition bets in a real bar, up against real punters. Facing an expensive round at the bar their "marks" are determined to win the bet - and even when they inevitably fail, the viewer still gets the chance to rise to the challenge. Then, in close-up, with slow motion sequences, they explain just how it's done - Perfect for you to practice and cash-in by bamboozling your mates on your next night out!

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    IMDb Wertung:
    7 / 10 :: 17 Votes
    Genre: Dokumentation
    Produzent: Anthony Waldron
    BBFC: 12
    Schauspieler: Jessica Jane Clement  Alexis Conran  R. Paul Wilson 
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